The Institute for Democratic & Economic Analysis

We seek rational solutions that help all New Zealanders participate fully in our economy and democracy.

We carefully and even-handedly map some of New Zealand's biggest problems.

We put evidence and people at the heart of our solutions.

We share our findings with decision-makers and the public in creative and compelling ways.

Our Projects

IDEA has begun work on an ambitious list of projects that will help ensure everyone has the means for a decent life and a say over how things run.

Welfare to Work Policy

The new government urgently wants to move people off benefits and into paid work. But how do successful countries do this, and what policies should New Zealand implement? IDEA will chart a new course for our retraining and skills programmes.

Creating Competition

Too many New Zealand markets are dominated by a handful of firms, driving up prices for consumers and squeezing suppliers. IDEA will examine how to create greater dynamism and competition in these areas, and re-think our whole approach to competition.

Protecting Small Business

Small businesses are central to Kiwi aspirations but often struggle with large firms refusing to pay on time, difficulties supplying uncompetitive markets, and abuse of bankruptcy and insolvency. IDEA will examine how our commerce laws can better protect smaller firms.

Community-led Budgeting

Internationally, local councils are increasingly letting residents debate and allocate part of their infrastructure budgets. This leads to better informed, more democratic and more efficient spending. IDEA will work with local councils to pilot such schemes here.

Barriers to Participation

A growing bipartisan consensus suggests New Zealand’s public service isn’t working well. It struggles to deliver big projects, and over-spends on consultants. But how do we make public programmes more effective? How do we get the state into the right state?

Modern Social Housing

There is cross-party support for a renewed push to build social housing for struggling families. But how do we deliver this rapidly, cheaply, and to a high standard? IDEA will examine how to bring social house-building into the 21st century.