If you are inspired by our vision and would like to support our work, we would love to hear from you. There are several ways you can be part of the IDEA journey.
Donate via Donorbox, or read on for more options.
Become a Subscriber or Supporter on Substack
We produce a weekly subscription-based bulletin, Good IDEAs, via the Substack email newsletter platform. As a Subscriber*, for $9.50 a month, you get full access to the newsletter, which contains sharp analysis of the week’s events, commentary on issues linked to poverty and political exclusion, and advance notice of our reports and events. Sign up here.
If you become a Supporter**, in return for $250 a year, or around $20 a month, you get all the Subscriber benefits – and the knowledge that you’re funding IDEA’s wider mission to tackle poverty and political disengagement. This helps us sustain and build a research and communications outfit capable of operating at scale. Sign up here.
There’s also a free Substack option, with limited previews of our analysis and reports, for those for whom payment isn’t an option. Even if you just want to stay up-to-date with our reports and events, we’d be delighted to have you as a free Subscriber. Sign up here.
Become a Founding Member
We’re also looking for people who’d like to go one step further and become Founding Members**. If we can get 40-50 people each contributing $1,000 a year, for at least the first year of our existence, we’ll have the core funding that will ensure we can carry out our first projects, make them a success, and generate the impact needed to attract further funds. If that sounds like you, please get in touch with our Operations Director, Paul Goldsmith (, or you can donate directly through Donorbox above.
Support or propose a project
We have an ambitious suite of planned projects, and we’re always interested in talking to people who want to provide the financial support that will ensure these projects take off and succeed. We’re also open to discussions about other potential projects that are in line with our values. If you would like to support our work in this way, or have a project in mind, please contact our Operations Director, Paul Goldsmith, on
* Paid subscriptions to our weekly bulletin, at $9.50 per month or $95 per year, cannot be treated as donations, according to Inland Revenue rules.
** Any payment from Supporters or Founding Members, over and above the $95 annual subscription, will be treated as a donation and may be eligible for a tax rebate.
You can contact us at the addresses below.
Paul Goldsmith
Fundraising queries
Max Rashbrooke
Research and Policy queries
Charlie Bleakley
Communications queries